Is This What Awaits Me In Thailand!?

I’m recently divorced and even though I’m not even all that old, my marriage lasted the second longest of my group of five mates. We have been pretty close friends since high school and twenty or so years later we are still good buds. Nonce of us seem to know how to keep a marriage together though 😀

So, when my divorce went through we had a celebration evening… why we celebrate these things I’m not sure but it made me feel better and actually it seemed to make everyone feel better and so we decided to tap into that and we started planning a holiday in Thailand which is coming up in January actually.

Five single guys in their early forties, all of us free again like when we were youngsters, except now we come packed with life experience. This is going to be epic and judging by what I see on this site… oh my!

Save 50% with a Teen Thais discount which seems to be in the spirit of all things Thai – generously affordable.